Showing posts with label Technology Trends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Technology Trends. Show all posts

Microsoft Researchers Developing Storytelling Robots

Microsoft Researchers Developing Storytelling Robots

Scientists at Microsoft Research and their colleagues are developing an artificial intelligence (AI) system that can tell stories based on photos.

The aim is not just to explain what items are in the picture, but also what appears to be happening and how it might potentially make a person feel, US-based website quoted the researchers as saying.

For example, if a person is shown a picture of a man in a tuxedo and a woman in a long, white dress, instead of saying, "This is a bride and groom," he or she might say, "My friends got married. They look really happy; it was a beautiful wedding."
"The goal is to help give AIs more human-like intelligence, to help it understand things on a more abstract level and what it means to be fun or creepy or weird or interesting," Margaret Mitchell, study senior author said in a

"With our focus on storytelling, we hope to help AIs understand human concepts in a way that is very safe and beneficial for mankind, rather than teaching it how to beat mankind," Mitchell, who is also a computer scientist at Microsoft Research, added.

To build a visual storytelling system, the researchers used deep neural networks, computer systems that learn by example.

The researchers said although everything worked fine, the computerized storyteller needs a lot more tinkering.

"The automated evaluation is saying that it's doing as good or better than humans, but if you actually look at what's generated, it's much worse than humans," Mitchell noted.

"There's a lot the automated evaluation metrics are not capturing and there needs to be a lot more work on them. This work is a solid start, but it is just the beginning."

The scientists will detail their findings in San Diego at the annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics later this month.

OnePlus 3 To Launch In 6 Different Variants

OnePlus 3 may reportedly be coming out in six different variants. Two models of the OnePlus 3 with varying RAM and storage sizes will be up for grabs on June 30.

There will be a standard variant of 4GB RAM which will be available in 32GB, 64GB and 128GB variants. Also, a mammoth 6GB variant will be released with 32GB, 64GB and 128GB variants, according to product listings on oppomart.

The phone will have a 5.5 inch Full HD display powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 SoC and a 3650mAh battery. There will be a 16MP primary camera with Optimal Image Stabilization and a 8MP front camera. The phone will run on the company's own OxygenOS powered by Android 6.0 Marshmallow.

OnePlus 3's global launch will be invite free. "We're releasing the OnePlus 3 invite-free, right from launch day. In addition, invites are gone forever from future OnePlus product launches," said Carl Pei, co-founder of OnePlus in a blogpost

The company is already creating waves with the OnePlus 3 launch campaign. As a first, the phone will launch in the virtualspace on the company's Loop VR headsets, which the Chinese manufacturer made available before the launch. The entire stock sold out in a minute and there is another sale scheduled on June 7.

6 Apps Your Company Should Take Advantage

6 Apps Your Company Should Take Advantage

By Brooke Chaplan

Phones can either be a distraction or a boon, depending on how they are used. With the proper apps, phones can improve productivity, and help your company make even more profits. Here are six apps your company should absolutely be taking advantage of.


With instant syncing across multiple platforms, top-level organizational abilities, and features that enable collaboration, Evernote is the ultimate note-taking app. When you need a team to focus on the same topic, Evernote can be used to create notebook for them all. It’s perfect for getting quick notations down in minutes.

National Trainers

New to the software scene is National Environmental Trainers Inc. which offers HAZWOPER training certification courses. Not only are these necessary in some industries, but can be expensive if all your employees have to go to a location to get them done. Using the new software and now app, you can streamline this process and get all your employees trained and on the same page.


Maintaining a record of all businesses expenses can be a tedious chore. With Expensify, all your employees have to do is scan their receipts and the image will be automatically uploaded to a central database. Never again will you have to sort dozens of receipts at tax time.


Trello is a free online app that allows people to work together no matter their physical location. It encourages sharing and collaboration and displays the data in a visual way, making it easy to see and understand what’s going on. Everything from sound bites, to images can be shared on a customizable board.


Meetings tend to take far more time than is necessary, and because employees have to move from their desks, they lose their train of thought and it interrupts their flow throughout the day.GoToMeeting prevents that by allowing employees to have meetings without ever leaving their computers. It also helps when trying to hold a meeting when people are in different geographic locations.


For those times when you need to collaborate with a group but a full meeting isn’t necessary, Campfire fills the void. It’s a simple, easy to use group messaging system. With both a mobile and browser based version, it’s easy to send off a quick question or address a concern without the need to completely break your work flow.


When the days become hectic and the to-do list never seems to get shorter, it’s easy to get discouraged. Asana helps by providing a simple, easy to use interface. When you finish a task, just mark it off. Watching as the list shortens will give you the momentum to keep pushing through to the end of the day.

When used like this, phones can be very helpful for all your business purposes. Just make sure you don’t get sidetracked with the latest Facebook notification.

20 Tools to Create Website Popup and Popover Ads

Thanks to their dubious reputation as annoying distractions, you may be reluctant to create website popup and popover ads for your own website. Fear not however, there’s lots of evidence that popups increase online conversions in everything from newsletter signups to sales. (Just search for “are pop up ads effective” on Google.) There are businesses use them to great effect without alienating either existing or potential customers.
So with that concern out of the way, here’s a guide for creating website popup and popover ads of your own. Below, you’ll find 5 website popup definitions you need to know before you get underway. Following that, we’ll list 20 of the best website popup creation tools so you can get started.

5 Website Popup Definitions You Need to Know

2 Types of Popups


Popup is the generic term used for website popups. More specifically, they are the type of popup that appears on top of your current browser page. Popups can appear like a highlighted image, however, they can also extend from any side of a webpage including the top and bottom.
Popups used to appear in new browser windows or tabs, but these days they’re typically modal, which means that they run as part of the page your visitor is browsing and cannot be blocked by popup blockers.

Pop Under

A pop under is a type of popup that appears in a new window underneath the web page you’re currently browsing. They’re less obtrusive since they open in a new window. However, they’re also more easily blocked by popup blockers.

3 Ways to Trigger Popups

Time-Driven Popup

A time-driven popup appears after a visitor is on your site for a set amount of time, giving them some space to learn what your site is about before being hit with an ad or offer.

Behavior-Driven Popup

The behavior driven popup appears after a certain condition is met. For example, a behavior-driven popup may appear after a visitor gets to their third page on your site, scrolls 66 percent down one of your pages or opens a specific page.

Exit Popup

The exit popup shows itself when a visitor browses to a site different than yours. It behaves just like a regular popup and is a great opportunity to extend a special offer to entice visitors before they’re gone.

20 of the Best Tools to Create a Website Popup

Whether your website was built from scratch or on a platform such as WordPress or Drupal, you’ll find a tool that fits your needs in the list below.
One point of interest: Many email service providers (e.g. AWeber, MailChimp, Constant Contact, etc.) offer their own version of mailing list signup popups. We have not included them in the list below, so you may want to head over to your provider to learn more about what types of sign-up form options they provide.

Best All-Round Popup Tools

While they offer integration with many of the top website hosting platforms, these tools can also be used on stand alone websites.