Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts

How to Add a Custom Pinterest Tab to Your Facebook Page?

How to Add a Custom Pinterest Tab to Your Facebook Page?

There are three main ways to add a Pinterst tab to your organizations Facebook fan page; via iFrame, via Facebook developer apps, and Woobox. All of these have different looks, advantages, and downsides. Examining characteristics of each can help in deciding on which application to use to install your Pinterest tab.

First, you have to have a Pinterest account. If you are not familiar with Pinterest here is a primer on what Pinterest is and how to use it. In order to install any Facebook Pinterest tab, you have to be using Facebook as yourself as you navigate to the application, so make sure you’re on your own profile, not the page you want to add the tab(s) to.

How to Add a Pinterest Tab via Iframe Host

  1. To add a Pinterest tab to your Facebook page using an iFrame host, first go to and locate the “Install Page Tab” button.
  2. After you locate the button, chose the Facebook fan page(s) on which you’d like your Pinterest Tab to appear.
  3. Once the tab is downloaded, you can go to the top right of the welcome bar and click “allow,” which will fully authorize the application and let you edit your Pinterest Tab.
  4. Next, You can change the name of your tab (if you wish) and customize the graphic, and the basic installation will be complete.
NOTE: if you only want to show one or two boards, you have to separate the links from the link to the entire Pinterest account. If you don’t adjust the height of the pixels, you will have a scroll bar to the right and it won’t display all of your Pinboards at first glance.

Advantages of adding a Pinterest Tab via iFrame Host

To the computer-savvy, this application is attractive because it is free and you can customize the size, Pinterest application “display” photo, and what you name your tab/button.

Disadvantages of adding a Pinterest Tab via iFrame Host

The advantages and the disadvantages are one in the same- as customizable as iFrame is, it’s not user-friendly and difficult to master for the basic computer-users out there. Also the iFrame does not automatically adjust the height, so you’ll have a scrolling option until you go in and change the pixel height to allow for a bigger initial “window” or “display” of your Pinterest boards.

How to Add a Pinterest Tab via Facebook Developer Application

  1. Go to the Facebook Developer Application installation tool.
  2. Click “Create new App,” which is located at the top right of the page. If you want the Pinterest button to actually show up, you have to go through every single step.
  3. Fill in all of the fields and then it takes you to a download of the iFrame host version of the Pinterest application- albeit via a bit of a different route.
  4. After you locate the button, chose the Facebook fan page(s) on which you’d like your Pinterest Tab to appear.
  5. Once the tab is downloaded, you can go to the top right of the welcome bar and click “allow,” which will fully authorize the application and let you edit your Pinterest Tab.
  6. Next, You can change the name of your tab (if you wish) and customize the graphic, and the basic installation will be complete.

NOTE: if you only want to show one or two boards, you have to separate the links from the link to the entire Pinterest account. If you don’t adjust the height of the pixels, you will have a scroll bar to the right and it won’t display all of your Pinboards at first glance.

Advantages of adding a Pinterest Tab via Facebook Developer Application

This method simplifies the idea of adding a tab via iFrame host by creating more steps to walk you through the process. It is another free option and you can customize the pixel height, pictures and graphics.

Disadvantages of adding a Pinterest Tab via Facebook Developer Application

Too many steps to reach the same exact result as simply installing the iFrame application.

How to Add a Pinterest Tab via Woobox

Woobox is the #1 provider of page apps on Facebook. Woobox apps have 40 million monthly active users, and logs 150 million monthly visits. Their most popular app/service is the Static HTML app, and the Sweepstakes app is also highly popular. Woobox is a Facebook Preferred Marketing Developer.

  1. Last way to add a Pinterest tab to your Facebook fan page is Woobox, which you can enter into the search bar on Facebook and click on, taking you right to the application (or click this link:
  2. Once you are at the woobox application, click “add to page” under the Pinterest icon for the fan page you’d like to add a tab to.
  3. Afterwards, your Pinterest tab is installed! You can go to your Pinterest profile and arrange the boards however you wish, and then scroll down to the bottom of the Pinterest Facebook application and hit “refresh cache,” so that all changes you create are reflected in the Facebook app. You must refresh the cache every time you make a change.

Advantages of adding a Pinterest Tab via Woobox

Woobox is another free option that is visually appealing, easy to use, simplified and clean.

Disadvantages of adding a Pinterest Tab via Woobox

Woobox does not let you add multiple, individual pin boards. It just let’s you choose which to show and which not to show. It can only be used ONCE per fan page.

Best Option for Adding a Pinterest Tab

In iFrame, there’s no side-to-side scrolling within the iFrame to see all the Pinterest boards. It’s easier to see all of the boards because you don’t have to guess at the pixel height to avoid top-to-bottom scrolling- and it’s user-friendly, able to be completed in three easy steps without too much customization. You even get a Pinterest logo tab thumbnail.

The Woobox application is free, visually, appealing, and easy to use. It’s simplified and clean, whereas iFrame and the developer app method are more complicated and not quite as user-friendly, though can be more visually appealing depending on your level of computer savvy. Both applications have multiple tutorials on the Internet for installation if needed, and they both have the option of showing one, a few, or all pinboards to followers.

Choose the option best for you based on your tech skills.

Facebook Launches Periscope Challenger for iPhone Users Nationwide

Facebook Launches Periscope Challenger for iPhone Users Nationwide

Facebook’s livestreaming video feature, Live, is now available to everyone with an iPhone in the U.S. The Periscope-like service launched last August, but was previously only available for public figures and verified Pages.  
“We plan to start rolling this out to the rest of the world over the coming weeks,” wrote product manager Vadim Lavrusik in a blog post. Android compatibility is also presumably coming soon.
Broadcasters can initiate a stream from their Update Status bars by clicking on a new Live Video icon that will prompt users to write a description of the event. They can also invite fellow Facebookers to come and watch. Streams can last a maximum of 30 minutes.
As streams transpire, broadcasters will be able to see the names of friends who are watching in real time. Viewers can also offer comments or subscribe to be notified when their favorite broadcasters go live again. After broadcasts are completed, says Facebook, they will live on users’ Timelines like any other video post.
Given Facebook’s growing dominance in the video realm, the rollout of Live could portend a serious threat to fellow streaming platforms such as Periscope and Meerkat. On an earnings call Wednesday, Facebook said that 500 million users now watch 100 million hours of video every day.

Facebook Is Making it Easier for Businesses to Chat Privately With Customers

Facebook Businesses Chat

The social media megaloth Facebook today announced a new suite of features to make it easier for businesses to use its internal, private chat to talk to customers.
As a business owner, if a customer leaves a comment on your Facebook page, you now have the option to pick up the conversation in the privacy of a personal chat window. Before today, businesses could only respond to a customer through Facebook in the same window from which the customer initiated the communication.
If you have an unhappy customer who is complaining on your business Facebook wall (and who hasn’t!), this new feature is a big time public relations relief. It’s better for you to be able to complete the conversation with that salty customer in private, off of the main stage of your business Facebook Page. When a company replies privately to a comment, the comment displays a note that the business responded privately, so visitors to your page know you addressed it.
Facebook is also rolling out a feature that allows customers to message a business directly from an ad in their News Feed. With the embedded “Send Message” button, a customer can seamlessly go from seeing an advertisement to chatting with the business owner online.
To encourage business owners to use the tool, Facebook is giving digital badges to businesses that respond to 90 percent of private messages and have an average response time of less than five minutes. The badge will notify customers that the business in question is “very responsive to messages.” Business owners can access real-time measurement of their response rate from a private analytics dashboard connected to their Facebook page.
The new communication tools come at a time when more and more people are using chat or instant message to communicate. Within the year, people will use instant messaging more than they do email, according to a recent report by tech analysis firm Juniper Research. The report estimates that 43 trillion instant messages will be sent this year.

Best Getting More People To Like Your Facebook Page Is 99% Worthless Tips You Will Read This Year

Someday, I will have the opportunity to prove to a client or prospect beyond any reasonable doubt that this is true. In the meantime, I will continue to write about it in hopes that the facts will win out.
To prove it beyond a reasonable doubt, I would have to take a page that has zero fans and send massive engagement and traffic with a small budget. Then, we’d need to look at the statistics to show that a page that starts off with zero likes can have more than just paid reach. It can have more organic reach than pages that have tons of likes.
We do have examples, not to the extreme of having zero fans, but by demonstrating that through strong content and proper use of advertising we can get strong organic reach. Here’s a quick one that’s pretty clear:

As you can see, this page has 2,458 people liking it. However, you’ll see that the small budget, in this case around $15, was able to get it good paid exposure. More importantly, it generated more organic reach than the number of people who like the page.
Now, let’s look at a different page. It has nearly 8 times as many likes, but the reach is minimal.

The gap is crystal clear. Facebook has been pulling back on organic reach for some time. While many will say that it’s all about greed and the bottom line to force pages to use money to get exposure, it’s more likely about what the users want. When they see page posts on their news feeds, they are much less likely to engage with those posts than the posts of their friends and family. Still, they’re a business, so the reduction of organic reach and the rise of sponsoring posts is the end result.
You’ll notice that I said that page likes are 99% worthless. There’s one minor benefit. Some would call it credibility. Others would call it ego. Either way, having a page that people are liking gives a psychological boost to the page to let people demonstrate how popular their page really is. While likes are infinitesimal in importance compared to reach, it’s still a benefit.
Focus on content. Put a budget behind it. Give your page real reach rather than the artificial benefits associated with page popularity.

How to Maximize Your Facebook Reach — Without Paying for It

Has the organic reach of your Facebook page dropped to nearly zero? It seems an unavoidable phenomenon in the evolution of Facebook.
According to Brian Boland from the ads product marketing team at Facebook, the decreased organic reach is related to the supply and demand theory. Since there’s a fixed amount of space in the user’s News Feed (demand), and innumerable posts (supply), not every post will make it into a user’s News Feed.
The News Feed is designed to show content that is relevant to the audience, rather than showing all possible content out there. Boland suggests, “it is important to publish content that teaches people something valuable, entertains them and makes them think creatively.” This is the reason Boland says that Facebook’s organic reach is more effective when you take advantage of paid media to meet your goal.
Many users have questioned the importance of having more people like their page. Boland explains that the value of more Facebook “likes” is that it makes your ads more effective. The process generates better auction prices for ads and increases your business’s credibility. Users respond more positively to ads from brands, especially those their friends have liked.
The good news is, Facebook is modifying its content ranking algorithm to position the best posts higher in News Feeds. Although Boland points out these algorithm changes are another reason for declined organic reach. Many have found this change improves user experience and enhances the quality of ads on Facebook. In a nutshell, Boland predicts that, as Facebook continues to grow, organic reach may continue to fall.
But that doesn’t spell the end of everything. There are still ways to maximize your reach on Facebook organically and make your posts more visible. Here are  some suggestions about how to maximize your Facebook exposure — without paying for it

Create Engaging Content

Create good, quality content that people actually want to see and increase engagement with your fans. Re-share old content that is highly beneficial to reach different audiences within a short span of time. Make sure the content is relevant to your audience.

Share Up-to-Date News and Trends

Facebook ‘likes’ are the most popular forms of user engagement. Comments and shares are also an important aspect of social engagement. It has been observed that comments and shares of post engagement increase by 16 percent year over year and 40 percent quarter over quarter. However, this is only possible when viewers see the latest news or content based on current trends. So experiment with new styles of content for your audience.

Dig Deep Into Data

It is possible that status updates might work best for one business while videos and links may be the most effective for another. Dig into Google Analytics to see your Facebook website conversion for insights into what works best for you and determine the best time to post your content on Facebook. The Facebook Insights tab is the best place to see when your fans are online under the section “when your fans are online?” This gives you a clear picture of how many of your fans are online each hour or during specific days of the week. Ideally, when you have the most fans online, that’s the best time to post your content.

Increase the Frequency of Posting

Once you review your Facebook Insights, you will most likely notice that there’s really never a time when none of your fans are using Facebook. People tend to remain on Facebook for an average of 30-60 minutes. So if you post content only once a day, you can only reach fans who were on within that time frame. To reach more people, post content multiple times a day. Focus on the quality of your content and the preferences of your audience.

Understand the Facebook Algorithm

It’s necessary to understand the Facebook algorithm to understand what drives users, so you can determine how well you can affect engagement. EdgeRank does a constant calculation between users. To know what goes into the calculation you need to know the basics.
  • The freshness of interaction: the more recently a customer has interacted with your page, the more likely your page will show up in their feed. More frequent posting with varying subjects gives users more chances to engage with your post.
  • Type of interaction: there are different actions a user takes to affect EdgeRank. They can like your post, share your post, comment, click links and follow your page. Different kinds of content attract different forms of engagement.

Utilize Facebook Insights

With Facebook Insights, you are better equipped to see who your posts are reaching. Look at age, gender and location to make sure you are reaching the people you want to reach. Facebook Insights can reveal which content is working for the audience you are trying to target.

Story Bumping

Through story bumping, Facebook ensures that your audience sees content that is highly relevant, even if it’s a little bit older. For instance, when your friends like or comment on an old photo, it tends to rise to the top of your News Feed. With story bumping engaging content will be pushed to the top of a user’s News Feed. The more people engage with your content, the more people will see that engagement in their News Feed.
There is a feature related to story bumping called Last Actor. Facebook favors any page or person you interacted with you during your last 50 interactions.

Create a Fan Base

Creating good quality content frequently and consistently helps you create a fan base. The best way to hit the right target is to use Custom Audiences to target people who are not your current fans. Use Lookalike Audiences and Graph Search to find people who are similar to your fans and like specific pages and interests relevant to your niche.
Use the tactics above to maximize your Facebook reach and organically create your fan base.
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This Entrepreneur Built a Business on Facebook Exclusively

Plenty of businesses use Facebook as part of a larger marketing strategy. But Wendy Gavinski used it to market her business almost exclusively.
Her company, Divas SnowGear, is a retailer of women’s snowmobile clothing and accessories. Since snowmobiling has long been considered a male-dominated sport, Divas SnowGear was meant to be the alternative for women who wanted gear that was actually flattering instead of big and bulky.
That lack of female options is why Gavinski started the company in the first place. But it was that same hurdle that made her turn to Facebook for her marketing efforts.
Gavinski explained further to CNN Money:
“It was the only way I could reach my target customers. If I put an ad in an industry magazine, or a banner ad in a forum, the readership for both are men.”
Gavinski used $30,000 of her own money to start Divas SnowGear in 2010. Today, the company is profitable thanks in no small part to its Facebook page, which currently has more than 43,000 likes.
Gavinski uses the site’s targeted regional advertising to reach women between 20 and 50 years of age in areas near the more than 500 local stores that carry her products.
For companies like Divas SnowGear, Facebook offers a unique opportunity to target a very specific subset of customers. In this case, a specific media outlet for female snowboarders where Divas Snowgear could advertise didn’t exist. But Facebook has so many users in so many demographic categories. There are groups for snowboarders and snowboarding pages, not to mention the ability to target users who have visited certain websites.
And there are plenty of other businesses that could potentially benefit from this targeting. Small businesses are getting more and more specialized. So their target audiences are getting smaller and more specific. If there’s not a specific media outlet for your target audience, there’s still Facebook.
Each business and situation is different. But in Gavinski’s case, she had a very specific problem problem to solve with her marketing. Facebook ended up being the solution both because of the number of customers the platform reaches and the way it allows marketers to target specific segments of that audience.
In this instance, it’s hard to imagine a platform that could have allowed the targeting of such a specific type of customer so precisely.