Showing posts with label Pinterest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pinterest. Show all posts

How to Add a Custom Pinterest Tab to Your Facebook Page?

How to Add a Custom Pinterest Tab to Your Facebook Page?

There are three main ways to add a Pinterst tab to your organizations Facebook fan page; via iFrame, via Facebook developer apps, and Woobox. All of these have different looks, advantages, and downsides. Examining characteristics of each can help in deciding on which application to use to install your Pinterest tab.

First, you have to have a Pinterest account. If you are not familiar with Pinterest here is a primer on what Pinterest is and how to use it. In order to install any Facebook Pinterest tab, you have to be using Facebook as yourself as you navigate to the application, so make sure you’re on your own profile, not the page you want to add the tab(s) to.

How to Add a Pinterest Tab via Iframe Host

  1. To add a Pinterest tab to your Facebook page using an iFrame host, first go to and locate the “Install Page Tab” button.
  2. After you locate the button, chose the Facebook fan page(s) on which you’d like your Pinterest Tab to appear.
  3. Once the tab is downloaded, you can go to the top right of the welcome bar and click “allow,” which will fully authorize the application and let you edit your Pinterest Tab.
  4. Next, You can change the name of your tab (if you wish) and customize the graphic, and the basic installation will be complete.
NOTE: if you only want to show one or two boards, you have to separate the links from the link to the entire Pinterest account. If you don’t adjust the height of the pixels, you will have a scroll bar to the right and it won’t display all of your Pinboards at first glance.

Advantages of adding a Pinterest Tab via iFrame Host

To the computer-savvy, this application is attractive because it is free and you can customize the size, Pinterest application “display” photo, and what you name your tab/button.

Disadvantages of adding a Pinterest Tab via iFrame Host

The advantages and the disadvantages are one in the same- as customizable as iFrame is, it’s not user-friendly and difficult to master for the basic computer-users out there. Also the iFrame does not automatically adjust the height, so you’ll have a scrolling option until you go in and change the pixel height to allow for a bigger initial “window” or “display” of your Pinterest boards.

How to Add a Pinterest Tab via Facebook Developer Application

  1. Go to the Facebook Developer Application installation tool.
  2. Click “Create new App,” which is located at the top right of the page. If you want the Pinterest button to actually show up, you have to go through every single step.
  3. Fill in all of the fields and then it takes you to a download of the iFrame host version of the Pinterest application- albeit via a bit of a different route.
  4. After you locate the button, chose the Facebook fan page(s) on which you’d like your Pinterest Tab to appear.
  5. Once the tab is downloaded, you can go to the top right of the welcome bar and click “allow,” which will fully authorize the application and let you edit your Pinterest Tab.
  6. Next, You can change the name of your tab (if you wish) and customize the graphic, and the basic installation will be complete.

NOTE: if you only want to show one or two boards, you have to separate the links from the link to the entire Pinterest account. If you don’t adjust the height of the pixels, you will have a scroll bar to the right and it won’t display all of your Pinboards at first glance.

Advantages of adding a Pinterest Tab via Facebook Developer Application

This method simplifies the idea of adding a tab via iFrame host by creating more steps to walk you through the process. It is another free option and you can customize the pixel height, pictures and graphics.

Disadvantages of adding a Pinterest Tab via Facebook Developer Application

Too many steps to reach the same exact result as simply installing the iFrame application.

How to Add a Pinterest Tab via Woobox

Woobox is the #1 provider of page apps on Facebook. Woobox apps have 40 million monthly active users, and logs 150 million monthly visits. Their most popular app/service is the Static HTML app, and the Sweepstakes app is also highly popular. Woobox is a Facebook Preferred Marketing Developer.

  1. Last way to add a Pinterest tab to your Facebook fan page is Woobox, which you can enter into the search bar on Facebook and click on, taking you right to the application (or click this link:
  2. Once you are at the woobox application, click “add to page” under the Pinterest icon for the fan page you’d like to add a tab to.
  3. Afterwards, your Pinterest tab is installed! You can go to your Pinterest profile and arrange the boards however you wish, and then scroll down to the bottom of the Pinterest Facebook application and hit “refresh cache,” so that all changes you create are reflected in the Facebook app. You must refresh the cache every time you make a change.

Advantages of adding a Pinterest Tab via Woobox

Woobox is another free option that is visually appealing, easy to use, simplified and clean.

Disadvantages of adding a Pinterest Tab via Woobox

Woobox does not let you add multiple, individual pin boards. It just let’s you choose which to show and which not to show. It can only be used ONCE per fan page.

Best Option for Adding a Pinterest Tab

In iFrame, there’s no side-to-side scrolling within the iFrame to see all the Pinterest boards. It’s easier to see all of the boards because you don’t have to guess at the pixel height to avoid top-to-bottom scrolling- and it’s user-friendly, able to be completed in three easy steps without too much customization. You even get a Pinterest logo tab thumbnail.

The Woobox application is free, visually, appealing, and easy to use. It’s simplified and clean, whereas iFrame and the developer app method are more complicated and not quite as user-friendly, though can be more visually appealing depending on your level of computer savvy. Both applications have multiple tutorials on the Internet for installation if needed, and they both have the option of showing one, a few, or all pinboards to followers.

Choose the option best for you based on your tech skills.

25 Actionable Tips on How To Start Using Pinterest For Business

Pinterest For Business
There are 53 million unique monthly Pinterest users in the United States, andForbes reports that is about 22% of all Americans, ahead of Twitter at 19% and about equal to LinkedIn.
When it comes to marketing on Pinterest, many businesses are stuck and don’t know where to start. Here are a few quick tips that can get you started on using Pinterest for business and take the intimidation out of Pinterest marketing, for almost any business.

Cover Image

Choose a cohesive cover image for all your boards, with the board title on the image.


You can pin gifs and videos, as well as regular images. Be sure to do all three for a good variety. Pin and repin regularly (at least 1-2 times per week).


Be really specific with your boards and include clear titles. For instance, boards like “Delicious Desserts” and “Easy Supper Ideas” will usually do better than one board called “Recipes.”


Make sure all your board and pin categories are correct so they can be found easily when users are browsing.


You can use hashtags on Pinterest. Make sure you only use 2-3 max per pin and keep to keywords, not made up words, like #reallygoodideaforsummer.


Take advantage of the free Pinterest analytics once you’ve verified your website:


Verify your website and add your Twitter account to add authenticity.


Invite your power users or community to a shared board for collaboration or creative brainstorming.

Display Your Company Culture

Have a board that shares images from your office or company events to humanize your business and its employees.

Pin It Button

Install the Pin It button on all your eCommerce pages to make sharing as easy as possible.

Use Alt Tags

Make sure all the images on your website have alt tags so they can be pinned easily (the alt tag auto-populates the description field for the pin).

Pin Your Articles/Newsletters

Automatically pin all your blog posts or newsletters on a specific board for each, OR in their applicable category.

Place Titles Over Images

Pins that have blog post titles on them may be more likely to be shared, since they explain what they are linking to. Create a featured image for your blog posts with the title on it using a tool like PicMonkey or Canva. You could also add your company or blog logo in the corner, on a transparent background. Here’s an example from Buzzfeed:

Pin Infographics and Charts

Studies have shown that the more space a pin takes up the more likely it is to get pinned. So look for infographics or useful (and colorful) charts you can pin.


Follow your customers’ Pinterest boards and make it a point to regularly repin their pins to show you like what they do, in an authentic way.

Display Pinterest on Your Website

Add a Pinterest follow button and profile widget to your website, either in the sidebar or footer.

Respond and Engage

Make sure you respond to comments and questions on your pins. You can @ tag usernames in comments, like Twitter and Facebook.

Fill New Boards

When making new boards, make sure you pin at least 10 images at once so it looks filled up on your profile. 5 is the absolute minimum.

Use the “Follow Boards You Love” Tool

Use the “Follow boards you love” tool to find boards and users to follow. Hopefully, like Twitter, they will follow you back.

Use the “Everything” Search

Use the “Everything” search to find pins outside your followed boards (like Twitter, the home feed is pins just from users that you follow). This can help get you more visibility because users are notified when someone repins their pin or follows them.

Search Hashtags

Search via hashtags of popular industry terms to find more users to follow, pin from, or connect with.

Step Outside the Box

Because Pinterest is about being creative, think outside your industry box. For instance, an ergonomic pillow manufacturer likely has a target audience who is also into healthy living, so health recipes or exercises would be good pins for them.

Host Contests

Hold a contest for creative DIYs with your products. Turn them into blog posts with lots of pin-worthy how-to photos.

Use PinAlerts

Use PinAlerts to receive an email whenever someone pins something from your website, so you can thank them via the comments or follow their boards.

Complete Your Profile

Make sure you fill out your profile bio and photo. Change it to reflect new promotions or branding campaigns.
When it comes down to it, any company’s strategy (no matter what industry they are in), should be based on presenting a creative and fun side, without trying to be too pushy or salesy with their own products. Think of creative ways to feature your products and services in tutorials or other content, and it will work much better than simply pinning your latest advertisement.
Additionally, not all businesses will find that Pinterest is a good fit for them. As with any social network, don’t try to force it! Remember, users can tell when a company isn’t passionate or authentic about what they are doing online.